October 29, 2023
Celebrating Navratri at Highcliffe Primary
Staff and children at Highcliffe Primary came together to celebrate the festival of Navratri, gaining valuable insights into the significance of this Hindu celebration. The festival, spanning 9 nights and 10 days, holds immense importance in Hinduism and is traditionally celebrated during the autumn season. It lays the importance on the worship of Goddess Durga or Shakti, which represents the energy of the universe, in her nine different forms.
On Tuesday, October 24th, the school was blessed with a burst of colours as children arrived dressed in either traditional Indian attire or vibrant and lively outfits, marking the festive occasion.
To enrich the children’s understanding of Navratri, a special assembly was held during the day. As part of the celebration, the students were treated to a dance performance by Mrs. Dabhi and Mrs. Patel, who showcased the grace and beauty of traditional Navratri dance. The children also had the opportunity to participate in classical dance workshops led by the talented Ms. Bhavsar.
The purpose of celebrating Navratri was to understand that Highcliffe Primary is a diverse school and we respect and celebrate all celebrations.